Is That The Right Message
Posted on | August 16, 2010 | No Comments
I recently received a campaign mailer from Vernon Parker which features the phrase “President George Bush Trusted Vernon Parker. So Can You.” along with a picture of Parker with Bush, the elder.
Several things:
- Your campaign has spent a great deal of time and ink disparaging Ben Quayle for his connections to the old guard GOP. Yet you send out a large and clearly spendy mailer – – – to tout your connections … to the old guard GOP.
- The picture is bad. Your selling point here is that you were a Special Assistant to President George HW Bush, and Assistant Secretary of Agriculture under George W Bush, but this is the only photo you could come up with?
- You make quite a point that George HW Bush “trusted” you, so we should, too. However, you and your press flacks have reminded us that Quayle’s money came from his cronies out of state. Among those “cronies” are the Bushes, who have held fundraisers, in their own homes, for Quayle’s campaign. By sending this particular mailer, you have highlighted the fact that the Presidents you claim trusted you, chose to support one of the other candidates in the crowded GOP Primary.
So: Is old guard GOP bad – or is it good? Do the Bushes trust you – or are they pulling for your opponent?
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