
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Storm of Controversy

Posted on | September 27, 2017 | No Comments

So, DirecTV is allowing people to cancel their Sunday Ticket subscriptions if they are upset about the anthem protests. Good. If people want to get their money back when the game is changed, they should be allowed that option.

I have heard people say that, because of the anthem protests, they are going to order Sunday Ticket. Great. If you like football and want to continue to watch, you should be allowed that option.

But, if you don’t care about football enough to have purchased that package to begin with and just want to “make a statement”, may I suggest something more meaningful. I mean, if you have a couple hundred dollars that you want to drop, why not drop it on a cause that will make a difference.

If you don’t care about standing for the Anthem, at least stand for something.

The NFL doesn’t need your money, but there are people who do

Texas and Florida are still dealing with the aftermath of massive hurricanes, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have been devastated by storms as well, they are in desperate need of help. That $280 could make a big difference.

Want to feel that you are figuratively sticking it to Trump? Mexico just suffered two horrific earthquakes; the death toll is heartbreaking and the rebuilding will be long and difficult. Why not donate to relief agencies there?

The NFL already got their money from broadcast contracts for years to come. Those millionaires ain’t helped by you signing up to watch a sport you didn’t give a crap about 2 weeks ago. Why not put your focus on people who could use your help – and attention.


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