
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Don’t Cook Your Dog

I had plans today to run by the library and pick up a couple of things I had on hold. I got sidetracked and was just lollygagging in general most of the morning, so went much later than I intended. Thankfully. Because I saved a dog from being cooked. As I was leaving, I glanced […]

SB1062 – Vetoed

Another Facebook post & comment on SB1062 that I will post here because my FB settings won’t display it to everyone – and I figured I should have an “apres veto” post. Y’all have read my ramblings thus far, let’s finish the subject off ๐Ÿ˜‰ Comment left on my page: This isn’t an I told […]

More on Religious Freedom & SB1062

Got this question on FB, and there isn’t enough room for a full answer there – so I’m putting it here. Question: Help me understand something, as I have not read it all the way thru, just as I doubt anyone has (I love your rule btw). Why does a bill need to be written […]

Conversations on SB1062

Finally got sick of all the hysteria over SB1062 (known as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act) and posted a bit of a rant over on Facebook – which got a few comments going. I wanted to make a lot of the same points over here, but I am too lazy to retype everything. Besides, I […]

Map It

I was trying to find another version of this map of the USA, composed of state flags, via Google image search. In the results was this version of a map of the USA, composed of university mascots. Pretty cool but…sorry Lumberjacks, apparently Arizona only has two universities the artist felt worth mentioning ๐Ÿ˜‰ โœ

keep looking »