
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

All Fall Down

Posted on | May 29, 2010 | 1 Comment

I previously mentioned a possible attempt at the Couch to 5k Challenge. I was right that Week One was super easy, owing perhaps to the fact that it conformed pretty closely to what our walks had been up to that point anyway – walk a little, jog a little, walk a little, jog a little – repeat till you get home. The challenge is officially three days a week, but since I walk the dogs everyday, we just followed the plan every day. A couple of things I noticed that surprised me: 5 minutes (the warm-up/cool-down time) is very long, 60 seconds (the jog time) is very short, dogs learn that the bell sound means change tempo.

I had planned for Week Two to involve alternating days between the Week One routine & the slightly more challenging Week Two sets. An unfortunate bout with the flu*, however, put the kibosh on walking for a couple of days (thankfully, D filled in so at least the pups got their exercise) When I got back to it, I just went ahead and repeated Week One stuff to get back in the swing.

Today was to be my first Week Two day, which means jogging 90 seconds, walking 2 minutes, lather rinse repeat. Unfortunately, during my very first 90 second jog, I came up (or down) on the losing end of a conflict with the sidewalk. You know how, on older walkways, there are occasional “bumps” in the concrete? One of them jumped up and grabbed my foot.

And I went down, face first and sliding. Credit Matt Weber Book:"Urban Prisoner"That would have been bad enough, but the puppies decided I was playing and so proceeded to climb all over me jumping & licking. I couldn’t get them to stop and sit, and they just got me more and more twisted up in the leashes. One of my lovely neighbors, someone who sees me every freakin’ day, was out in his yard, content just to stand there and watch. Thanks a lot, Dipwad.

Thankfully, as I was starting to get myself a bit turned over, another neighbor came out of his house to check on me (Thank you very much, Mr Nice Neighbor) and the boys were distracted enough for me to sit up. And cry (I am such a wuss)

After proper checks and assuring Mr & Mrs Nice Neighbor that I was fine and didn’t have far to go, we started out again. I intended to at least complete a decent walk, even if we didn’t get all the jogging in. I assumed that since the bruises & scrapes were new, and I had a bit of adrenaline pumping, that I could keep going a bit before the pain hit. Unfortunately, it hurt a smidge more than I thought, and sweat dripping into road rash is even less pleasant than I anticipated.

So we came home.

Tomorrow, barring fire/flood/locusts, we will do Week Two, Day 1.

UPDATE: Week Two, Day 1 completed. Finally.

* The plus side to not eating for three days is that I also had no Coke – and I think I am OK. I am still having iced coffee, which satisfies the caffeine craving & prevents the headaches, but no soda. That is my biggest vice, and one of the unhealthiest things I did, so . . . Yay Flu!


One Response to “All Fall Down”

  1. Open Your Eyes
    June 14th, 2010 @ 12:56 am

    […] am working out at the time, especially now that I started the C25k program. So, I am usually breathing heavy, sweating and focused elsewhere. In fact, there were a couple of […]

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