
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Joy – or You Are What You Experience

Posted on | April 3, 2010 | No Comments

From Kathy Sierra at Creating Passionate Users.

She has a very detailed post on the effect others have on us, specifically why surrounding yourself with people who have a positive mindset is a positive step.

Spend time with a nervous, anxious person and physiological monitoring would most likely show you mimicking the anxiety and nervousness, in ways that affect your brain and body in a concrete, measurable way. Find yourself in a room full of pissed off people and feel the smile slide right off your face. Listen to people complaining endlessly about work, and you’ll find yourself starting to do the same. How many of us have been horrified to suddenly realize that we’ve spent the last half-hour caught up in a gossip session–despite our strong aversion to gossip? The behavior of others we’re around is nearly irresistible.
How often have you spent time with one of your more negative friends or co-workers only to find yourself wearied by the encounter? Negative emotion is taxing, and fighting to stay up in the face of it is hard work.

Happy people are obviously not happy all the time, any more than angry people are always angry. Choosing to spend most of your time in an upbeat mindset, with upbeat people, can certainly make your world a much better place.

I agree with this comment left by Mary-Anne (I notice her email address is at sympatico.ca, how appropriate)
I think happy people are happy, myself included, not because we ignore the negative, but we choose to appreciate and truly experience the moments of simple joy around us, when they find us. Children naturally have this ability. They are able to feel happy down to their bones, and it lights up their face. I think this is one reason people in families are happier. Being around children reminds us that just being alive is joyful!

Just being alive is joyful!

p.s. I dare you to sit through this without smiling. Or this.

(I dug this out of the archives from another of my blogs, so it may sound familiar to some of you)


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