Curiosity Breeds Success
“When kind Dean Barris led the procession back and said, ‘I am pleased to announce,’ she never heard the end of the sentence, for she was convinced that he would only have been pleased had she passed! She ran home happily through the rain to cable Frank, and tried to explain to the children why […]
Gratitude Adjustment
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone. ✏
We Are All In This Together
No matter who wins the election today, he will be OUR president. All of us. We are all Americans and I firmly believe we all love our country. Please remember your friends and family are more than their political views. And, please go vote. ✏
Who Needs a Pre-Nup?
I have mentioned prenups in this space before, and I think a few of you called me unromantic. I prefer “pragmatic” and “realistic”. Answering some basic questions prior to saying “I do” can save you a world of hurt after. is mentioning them, as well. Far from being only for those with large portfolios […]
Fauxcohontas & Me
The recent brouhaha caused by Elizabeth Warren‘s claims of Native American ancestry reminded me of stories from my childhood. Specifically, that we are related to Pocahontas*. My paternal grandmother was very thorough about researching and documenting her family tree. I knew her to be a reliable source, and I know she must have had some […]
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