Storm of Controversy
So, DirecTV is allowing people to cancel their Sunday Ticket subscriptions if they are upset about the anthem protests. Good. If people want to get their money back when the game is changed, they should be allowed that option. I have heard people say that, because of the anthem protests, they are going to order […]
Did the Seahawks Win?
Seahawks 14 – Packers 12 Here is an image that represents the debacle in Seattle Monday night. Two referees in close proximity making contradictory calls. This was hardly the only bad (or questionable) call in the game. As D pointed out, that final play shouldn’t even have been a factor. The earlier pass interference call that […]
Flying Glasses
Just admit it – Google is cool. Cooler even than fan boys think Apple is. And . . . where do I sign up for *my* Google glasses? ✏
Pro Sports & The State
…there’s a pro sports bubble, baby, enabled by free and reduced-price money being pumped into the system by every idiot city and state willing to do whatever it takes to keep a franchise around. ~ Why The NFL Labor Dispute is Like Battleground Wisconsin (& Statehouse Stand-Offs Across the Country) ~ As Nick says, the […]
NFL Set A Legal Precedent, Too
On a tip from @AKGabriel, I gave this post a read. This paragraph skirted an issue I brought up yesterday: As we drove into downtown Philadelphia on a sunny day there appeared to be no more than 4 or 5 inches of snow on the streets and while the wind was howling that was no […]
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