
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Storm of Controversy

So, DirecTV is allowing people to cancel their Sunday Ticket subscriptions if they are upset about the anthem protests. Good. If people want to get their money back when the game is changed, they should be allowed that option. I have heard people say that, because of the anthem protests, they are going to order […]

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Why the backlash against the Ice Bucket Challenge? It amazes me the number of people smugly condemning the #ALSicebucketchallenge, especially when most of them clearly have no understanding of what it is – and certainly can’t be bothered to watch one, or read about them, to get the truth. It isn’t about “narcissism”, it is […]

It’s Magic, You Know

By now I am sure you have heard all you care to about Donald Sterling and his comments. I’ve heard them – or, most of them anyway. They may have released an even longer longer recording. Bear in mind, he was having a private discussion with his “girlfriend”. She recorded him without his knowledge or […]

Did Tom Cruise Compare Acting To Combat?

No. No, he didn’t. And you all need to stop posting stories claiming he did. When Tom Cruise said, “It was brutal“, it was in reference to being separated from his daughter. When asked whether he thought the situations were the same [going to war, location shooting], he said, “Oh come on, you know, we’re […]

Shutdown Spoon Banging

Riddle me this – even if you believe, against any evidence to the contrary, that the Republicans are 100% responsible for the current shutdown (which, obviously, I don’t) But, if you did assign every tiny possible bit of blame to the Right… How can you not see the vindictive, capricious, random & punitive measures the […]

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