
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Sew >> Reap

Posted on | June 6, 2011 | 3 Comments

Another quick comment on #WeinerGate:

In his “apology”/admission, Rep Weiner says the intended recipient wasn’t to blame/had been unwittingly brought into this/didn’t deserve the negative attention (something along those lines, not in the mood to track down the quote)

So, either she was flirting and/or sexting with a man she knew to be both married and in the public eye, and therefore does deserve a portion of the blame…

Or, Rep Weiner just decided, out of the blue, to send a picture of his junk to some random chick he was following on Twitter, in which case – Eeeeewwww! And CREEPY. And potentially illegal?

Either way, countdown to her appearance in Playboy: 15, 14, 13….


3 Responses to “Sew >> Reap”

  1. Phineas
    June 6th, 2011 @ 8:45 pm

    There seems to be a mix up going on between two of “Weiner’s Women.” One is a Las Vegas cocktail waitress with whom he had the steamy exchanges: http://is.gd/kpTo6x

    The other is a single-mother in Texas who says (and I tend to believe her) that Weiner sent her the infamous bulge photo unsolicited.. So it’s probably not “either/or,” but instead a case of him being someone who never got past being 13 years old.

  2. Vox
    June 6th, 2011 @ 9:24 pm

    The specific recipient I am referring to, and I believe the one he referenced in his remarks, is the Seattle area coed (Gennette Cordova?). She got the immediate heat after the pic went out to her, and he was trying to say she had zero culpability other than being followed by him on Twitter.

    Apparently he has confessed to at least 6 women, so there is bound to be some confusion LOL

    The women I know don’t even want penis pics from men they are involved with, to get one from some married politician across the country would be skin-crawlingly disturbing.

  3. Phineas
    June 6th, 2011 @ 9:26 pm

    Show’s how messy this mess has become — I’d forgotten about Cordova.

    (Which is what she is likely hoping for. 😉 )

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