Duped Dad Takes on OK Law
OK Man Ordered To Pay Child Support Despite Not Being Father Thomas said he had no reason to question it before he did, but, because he missed the deadline, the judge ordered him to pay around $500 a month in child support, plus, nearly $15,000 in back support plus interest – all for a child […]
Don’t Cook Your Dog
I had plans today to run by the library and pick up a couple of things I had on hold. I got sidetracked and was just lollygagging in general most of the morning, so went much later than I intended. Thankfully. Because I saved a dog from being cooked. As I was leaving, I glanced […]
SB1062 – Vetoed
Another Facebook post & comment on SB1062 that I will post here because my FB settings won’t display it to everyone – and I figured I should have an “apres veto” post. Y’all have read my ramblings thus far, let’s finish the subject off ๐ Comment left on my page: This isn’t an I told […]
More on Religious Freedom & SB1062
Got this question on FB, and there isn’t enough room for a full answer there – so I’m putting it here. Question: Help me understand something, as I have not read it all the way thru, just as I doubt anyone has (I love your rule btw). Why does a bill need to be written […]
Conversations on SB1062
Finally got sick of all the hysteria over SB1062 (known as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act) and posted a bit of a rant over on Facebook – which got a few comments going. I wanted to make a lot of the same points over here, but I am too lazy to retype everything. Besides, I […]
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