
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Another One Gone (Allegedly)

Posted on | August 10, 2010 | 3 Comments

I hadn’t paid much attention to the candidacy of Ben Quayle in CD3 until I heard the silly attacks against him. Pointing out that a candidate has a wealthy father makes it obvious you have no real ammunition against him.

So, I began to do some research and I liked what I saw.

To address the complaints:

Daddy is buying him a seat Really, that’s what you are going to go with? There is just no way you are going to convince me that being from a successful family is an automatic negative. The kid didn’t grow up to be Paris Hilton, after all. The fact that his wealthy family has Conservative bona fides, and chooses to support him, makes him a viable candidate for me. The fact that their Conservative friends also see promise in his candidacy is a good thing. Frankly, hearing Pamela Gorman beat that horse over and over is what turned me off about her. I just wanted to tell her to put on her big girl panties and get back to HER campaign.

He’s a carpetbagger It must be hard to make that charge stick about someone whose family has lived here for generations. Hardly akin to Hilary going to NYC. Considering his father’s career, it isn’t surprising Ben spent his childhood elsewhere. Considering his career, it isn’t surprising Ben spent his young adulthood elsewhere – I find it encouraging that he chose to explore the USA, and understandable that he decided on Arizona 🙂 Even in their own attacks, his opponents say he started at Snell & Wilmer – in ARIZONA – in 2006. I don’t know if that date is correct, but if it is they are refuting their own cause. Four years is hardly a lifetime, but it certainly isn’t “moving to Arizona so his daddy can buy him a seat” territory, either.

He has no political experience Again, you will have a hard time, especially in this political climate, making that into a negative. I prefer someone who hasn’t been involved in politics, who hasn’t spent his life greasing the wheels and planning for his foray into D.C. I see no part of the job of Congressman or Senator that would require (or even benefit from) a history in other offices. Other than, of course, the connections and backdoor deal making – the very things that have gotten us to the precarious place we find ourselves. No, I do not want, and we do not need, a career politician. We need someone with solid, consistent values. We need someone with brains and a grasp of logic. We need someone who will get the job done. Quayle seemed to fit those criteria just fine.

I already wrote a bit about the rented kids (ludicrous) and charges of racism (desperate). The rented kids meme caused many people around the web to opine that he isn’t right for the job … because he doesn’t have children. I find that offensive on many levels, but suffice it to say that claiming a man has a deficiency because he hasn’t yet fathered a child is patently absurd.

Overall, other than his penchant for saying “Look,…” a bit too much, he seemed like a perfectly reasonable choice out of a handful in the CD3 race worth supporting.

But then, The Dirty detail. An accusation that Quayle was involved in the creation & some early ‘writing’ on the lascivious website.

Here is what I would like to have heard:

No, I absolutely was not involved with TheDirty.com. I knew Hooman Karamian (aka Nik Richie) casually and so introduced him to the IP attorneys at my office. I have not had any reason to give the website, or Karamian, a second thought since then. I don’t know why he has chosen to make this accusation, clearly he has gotten bad advice. Perhaps he is simply attempting to gain some publicity for his business venture at the expense of a previous acquaintance.

Or, perhaps this:

Several years ago, an acquaintance approached me with an idea for a joke website for the amusement of our friends. I was initially involved; with the creation and with postings. I soon saw the direction of the site, and it’s reach, were beyond my comfort level. I ended my association with the site, though I did introduce Hooman Karamian to the IP attorneys at my firm when he expressed an interest in incorporating. There has been no reason for me to have given the website, or Karamian, a second thought since then. I don’t know why he has chosen to make this accusation, clearly he has gotten bad advice. Perhaps he is simply attempting to gain some publicity for his business venture at the expense of a previous acquaintance.

What we got instead has been a series of non-denial denials. And by series, I mean a changing story. Three different versions have made it to press … so far. Apparently he has been trying to gauge what exactly will come out before he decides what to deny, which is a sure way to end up contradicting yourself* In the last denial, via 12 News, Brahm Resnick does mention that Karamian threatened Quayle with a “s***storm”. Had Quayle given us the full story immediately, he could have not only kept the storm at bay, but gained goodwill for his honesty – and for being the victim of a blackmail threat.

I can handle a Congressman who used to be a frat boy. I could even handle a Congressman who used to be a stupid frat boy, though it is hard to accept it having happened in the last 5 years.

What I can’t handle is a Congressman whose first reaction is to equivocate – and perhaps flat-out lie – when confronted with a misstep from his past. We’ve seen that enough from our elected officials.

Is there anyone out there who doesn’t try to game the press?

UPDATE: Had to leave this comment over on Facebook after reading this story

I knew Rose was behind the reveal – and the timing. The dude is the lowest form of slime. The only thing that keeps him out of Gloria Allred territory is his willingness to stay behind the camera…for now.

Quayle needs to own his own mistakes, but there was no doubt who was behind them being made public. Rose’s connection to TheDirty.com makes it even more clear.

I can’t imagine ever voting for a Jason Rose represented candidate – anyone who would hire him has seriously impaired judgment

UPDATE: Gee, I think I called that one early. There was no way this wasn’t orchestrated by Jason Rose – as the New Times has shown in even more detail. I think the times I have agreed with the New Slimes about anything can be counted on one finger – but they are certainly right about Rose; he is a bottom-feeder and anyone with a conscience would do well to keep their distance.

* Andrew Breitbart has perfected the trickling reveal, forcing his targets (like ACORN) to repeatedly change their stories as they find more info coming out. Anyone – politician, business, celebrity – should assume the entire story, with proof, is coming and simply own it. You look a whole lot less like a weenie.


3 Responses to “Another One Gone (Allegedly)”

  1. jpenaz
    August 10th, 2010 @ 9:55 pm

    I’ll say this, being a Qualye has done him no favors on my end. I only remember his dad and the spelling of potatoes. I’m older now and I’ve let it go,but I laughed a little when I saw he was running. And I really don’t care much about the website, but the series of “denials” are troubling, I don’t want someone else throwing out excuses when we are over run with politicians doing that bit already.

  2. When Bad People Happen to Good Candidates?
    August 17th, 2010 @ 9:46 am

    […] rather than dismiss him out-of-hand, I was willing to give him a look-see. My friend cited all the complaints I addressed here as reasons Quayle was a bad choice; as you can see, I don’t agree with those particular […]

  3. Considering My Options #AZ03
    August 22nd, 2010 @ 11:12 pm

    […] QUAYLE, BEN See my take here […]

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