About Those ‘Racist’ Arizona Cops
Posted on | May 27, 2010 | No Comments
Yesterday in Phoenix, a police officer lost his life.
Though a young man, he was a four year veteran of the force.
He was a husband and a father, his second child having been born just 2 weeks ago.
And in the early morning hours of May 26th, he was gunned down by a career criminal.
When the gunman was apprehended by fellow officers, they used a canine unit and rubber bullets to subdue him. He arrived at the jail slightly scratched and a bit bruised.
These policemen, who have been maligned from coast to coast for their “obvious racism” and plans to “harass anyone with brown skin”, arrested a man who was; Clearly resisting arrest, Demonstrably prone to violence, Guilty of murdering their colleague – and Hispanic. Yet, with ample opportunity to do harm to this man “with brown skin”, they showed their true colors and used minimal force.
So, for all the Brooke Goldstein, Imogen Lloyd-Weber and Al Sharptons of the world, convinced our police are planning to stop all Hispanics with “broken taillights” – take off your Fascist-colored glasses and see what these men in blue are really like.
Because, apparently, you’ve never met anyone like them. Your loss. Perhaps it would do you well to come down off your high-horse and speak to one or two of them – before you condemn them all as racist, redneck clods.
R.I.P. Officer Travis Murphy. Your fellow officers did you proud.
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