
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Ugly Is As Ugly Does

Posted on | August 29, 2008 | 4 Comments

The main theme emerging in the comment threads around the internet is that Palin can’t be smart because she is pretty.
“Just a pretty face”
“A trophy VP choice”
“Apparently he only cares about surrounding himself with attractive women”
“How long till the nude photos surface”
“Just wait till the sex tape shows up”
“It is an insult to serious women everywhere”
“blah blah blah”
Apparently, in order to be a serious, intelligent women, you have to scare small children on the street.
UPDATE: “She may be a homophobe and an anti-feminist, but….

John McCain’s Vice Presidential running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was a hottie back in the day.
She was probably a slut too!
Can’t wait ’till all the skeletons start tumbling out of her closet!
How many dudes have done her up the butt and tapes it???

Way to stay classy and take the high road.


4 Responses to “Ugly Is As Ugly Does”

  1. Special Agent Johnny Utah
    August 29th, 2008 @ 5:59 pm

    Oh my God! Seriously. That last one was a shocking comment. Not because I’m a prude, just because it’s so remarkably crass…sort of like jokes about Hillary not being able to wear mini-skirts b/c her boy-parts might show.
    Sarah Palin is an affront to elites of various stripes who think that successful women should be pro-choice, Ivy League-educated, Democratic, professionally credentialed, more committed to career than to family, and devoted to the symphony rather than fly-fishing. She will, therefore, probably take as many shots as Clarence Thomas did from people who think that “good blacks” behave a certain way, and that everyone else is a Tom.
    But I think she’ll connect very well–much better than Hillary, in fact–with your average married woman in America. (Single women are a different story; they’re a reliable Democratic constituency, and they may be more jealous of Gov. Palin than envious.) I mean, think about it…without Bill Clinton, would Hillary ever have been a senator, let alone a presidential candidate? But Sarah Palin has made her way in the political world with a husband whose only connection to politics is…his wife.

  2. John Moore
    August 29th, 2008 @ 8:15 pm

    Vox, liberals/progressives are capable of an amazing feat: holding two contradictory ideas to be true at the same time.
    This is a mental disorder known as Cognitive Disorder of Progressives, of which Bush Derangement Syndrome is a particularly nasty variant.
    It explains there constant hypocrisy.

  3. John Moore
    August 29th, 2008 @ 8:19 pm

    Oops… sorry ’bout that. I think my pop-up blocker caused a bit of a problem.
    [edit. fixed]

  4. onelamb
    August 30th, 2008 @ 11:28 pm

    Single women are a different story; they’re a reliable Democratic constituency, and they may be more jealous of Gov. Palin than envious.
    I must say that I am single, as are the majority of my friends, and none of us are Democrats. And as far as not connecting and being jealous…I had lost interest in this race until she was named, and now I am very excited again. Jealous. no, she can shoot the moose and do the politics, as long as she stands firm for what she stands for!!