
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Puppy Upper

Posted on | April 25, 2004 | 1 Comment

Well, my puppy (who is actually 12 years old, hardly a puppy I guess) seems to be doing a bit better. She has to stay in the hospital at least one more night (thus doubling my credit card debt) but they said she has perked up quite a bit.
If fact, she has perked up enough that I get to visit her so I am on my way. Thanks to those who have expressed their warm wishes, both here and in emails. It really means a lot to know there are caring people out there.
UPDATE: I got to visit with her for quite a while (once they got me in, had to wait for almost an hour) and am very much relieved. I was sure I was going to lose her yesterday, but have much higher hopes today – she was up and around and very happy to see me. Kept trying to get closer and closer to me, crawling in my lap and pushing up against me. Still had very little interest in food and not much at all in her ball (those of you who know her know how serious that is) but compared to yesterday she is like a whole new dog. I should be able to bring her home tomorrow – yay!


One Response to “Puppy Upper”

  1. UptownGirl
    April 26th, 2004 @ 6:51 pm

    I’m so glad to hear she is doing better ! 🙂