
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Pick Your Battles

Posted on | December 20, 2008 | 1 Comment

First silly battle – Caroline Kennedy

Caroline KennedyThe big problem in New York is that Paterson may appoint Caroline Kennedy to Hillary Clinton’s soon to be vacated seat. Obviously this is supposed to bother me, because the interwebs are overflowing with shock & indignation.

The problem is, I can’t get too upset by the idea. It isn’t as if there is a chance he’ll appoint a Republican, let alone a conservative one. Am I supposed to be upset about her ‘lack of experience’? It seems she has all the experience one needs for the position, which was originally intended for citizen legislators. I would prefer that representatives have some sort of work or business experience, but it is hardly necessary – or even indicative of success. She has a fine education, she has passion for her causes, she has had some success with her projects… Other than the fact that I completely disagree with her on almost everything, I can think of no reason why she shouldn’t be considered. I actually prefer a candidate who hasn’t spent their entire life plotting their political ascension, even though this one comes from a political family. She’ll have to run again soon enough.

Really, of all the things the GOP could fret about – why choose an appointment that may not even happen, for a seat that has little to no chance of ever going to us? The only bit of irritation I can muster on this one is due to the hypocrisy considering the treatment Palin received – but Kennedy has been getting some of that, too, from her own side.

Next silly battle – Nick Rick Warren

This is a twofer, it seems to piss off the left and right equally. Why would Obama ask him to do the invocation? Perhaps because he is popular, perhaps because he is ‘homey’, perhaps because Obama no longer has a pastor of his own. No matter, the next President of the United States of America has asked him to pray at the inauguration – would you really expect him to say “No”?

Obviously, Warren will disagree with some of Obama’s stances (as I am sure he would with McCain) but that doesn’t prevent him from accepting, graciously, the invitation. I hope that Warren sees the office as worthy of respect, despite the Clinton years, and that he realizes the inauguration is for the entire nation. Why should I be upset that a man of God agreed to pray for the nation I love, and the new president. He needs to be prayed for.

Why should those on the right be bothered by this pick? How would it have served our cause for him to decline the invite?

I can see the upset by those on the left – Warren is anti-gay marriage, etc. But odds are, if you choose any pastor to speak, he is going to hold fairly standard views on those subjects. I can’t imagine him stepping up to the mic and condemning those darn homosexuals to eternal damnation. Roll with it. Be like your beloved Obama and consider it a chance at ‘unity’.

How about those of us on the right try to focus on things that matter, things we can change, and things that will help the nation. Reducing the size of government. Encouraging a culture of life. Allowing personal success – and personal responsibility.

What we mustn’t do is turn into spoon-bangers like the loonies on the left.

UPDATE: Seriously people, when I have that big of a typo, would it kill ya’ to let me know?



One Response to “Pick Your Battles”

  1. Lori
    December 24th, 2008 @ 2:34 pm

    I agree with you on both of these. I honestly didn’t get why everyone was all in an uproar about them. I mean, yeah I see why but it’s lame and not worth it. Now the Caroline thing baffles me a bit. I’m surprised she is getting bashed by her own side. It makes my head spin to know how open armed people would have been if it had been JFK Jr. if he were still alive. He didn’t have the exp. either but you just KNOW everyone would have loved it and drooled all over it. Sexism is still around in a huge way. Wow.