
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Old Home Week

Posted on | January 31, 2005 | 4 Comments

Strange how things happen in groups.

  • Saturday I attended a conference for the members of the Arizona Commision on the Arts. While I was there I ran into a girl who went to my high school – though a year after me (damn young un’s) She didn’t recognize me because, frankly, she wouldn’t. I was a big ol’ nerd then, she was Miss Popularity – she wouldn’t have given me the time of day. In our older incarnations we were able to bridge that gap and it was nice.
  • Also at the conference, a girl from my old neighborhood – she was my sister’s age, but I still feel like we grew up together.
  • Last night I spoke to an old friend who I haven’t spoken to in months (just the odd IM) and haven’t seen in almost a year. I needed to get in touch with him because of something he said to SG that I wanted to clear up/understand. It was nice to catch up, though I think I am still miffed about what he said ๐Ÿ˜‰ (not everybody gets his sarcasm/sense of humor)
  • Today I had an appointment with my doctor, so I stopped at a different branch of my bank to make a deposit. And I ran into a guy I went to grade school with (k-4). I run into him now and then; saw him when I was stuck in an intersection a few years ago, at a local sandwich shop with his wife and kids over a year ago, and at the bank a few months ago. At the bank that time he said, “Is your name Brenda?” Since it wasn’t, and I didn’t feel like talking, I just said “no” and left.
    He was one of the ‘in’ crowd, too. While I was at St Gregory’s school, I was pretty much in it as well, but once I left I was out – big time. He also wouldn’t give me the time of day in high school. Today was a good day; the clothes were workin’, the hair was workin’, the makeup was on…I even got a “damn” from an old guy checking me out in the store, and my doctor told me I was looking great and shouldn’t lose any more weight. I was feeling good and as I drove to the bank I thought, “Wouldn’t it be funny if I ran into ____ _______ today? He wouldn’t know me!” Boy was I wrong. He walked through the door, saw me from the other side of the building and said “B__ KENNELLY!” He got both names right – Wow.

  • Then, I get an email from an old friend. One of those people who are very important in your life, but who you just don’t work hard enough at staying in touch with. I had sent him a happy birthday email MONTHS ago, and he responded. I flagged his response so I could give it proper attention at a later time, and kept putting it off. So, he sent another one – because he is that kind of guy. I had seen the domain name of the last company I knew he worked for show up in my log files and wondered if it was him. Sure enough.

Wonder if there are any more old friends lurking…?


4 Responses to “Old Home Week”

  1. SG
    January 31st, 2005 @ 11:38 pm

    you do look great. you must be thrilled with all the attention you are getting…. good for you!! you deserve it, keep up the good work!

  2. Vox
    February 1st, 2005 @ 1:32 am

    Actually, I am most pleased about how great I am feeling physically – but there are days when a girl can use an ego boost. Like today. After this weekend (especially Sunday) I needed an up day.
    Truth is, the old guy would probably have had a heart attack if I turned around and thanked him – and any female wearing that outfit would have probably gotten the same reaction.
    The doctor has a vested interest in encouraging my positive self-image – but I am still glad he does.
    And, the guy from grade school didn’t seem impressed at all – though I was glad I didn’t look all sloppy when I ran into him.
    But, I felt good (and it felt good) and that is all that matters, I guess. Not bad for a Monday.
    I would be feeling even better if I had actually gotten some exercise today…

  3. yayaempress
    February 1st, 2005 @ 8:32 am

    Well, when it rains it pours, no?

  4. Mom
    February 4th, 2005 @ 11:48 am

    Just to let you know I enjoy your blog even tho I don’t comment …..