
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Location, Location, Location

Posted on | May 29, 2005 | Comments Off on Location, Location, Location

el Gringo takes Jon Talton (and the other “Downtown or Bust”-ers) to task over which area needs to be ‘artsified’ in order to goose Phoenix’s economic development.

If Phoenix needs a square mile or so of vibrant yuppie playground to prosper in the 21st century, why does it have to be in a mile radius from the offices of the Republic? You the reader can probably name several spots that are hopping on a Saturday (or any other) night. Why can’t these other pieces of real estate serve as magnets to the creative class? Is there such a thing as an urban G-spot? Hit it and you reach economic nirvana, miss it and you’re livin’ in nowheresville daddy-o.

“urban G-spot” – I love it.


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