
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense


Posted on | October 26, 2006 | 4 Comments

The E! channel, in covering their top 10 stories of the week, said that Rush Limbaugh’s comments have left “many people shaking their heads

Seriously, I couldn’t have made that up.

Then, in response to Limbaugh’s statement that Fox is allowing the Democrats to exploit his illness, the host said “and the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world” Um….what? That is an awfully big leap for her to make, and I can’t find any logical reason for it. Anyone?

As to the ad, but ignoring the actual issue. I do think it is entirely possible that Fox made sure that his symptoms were at their worst. Whether that was going off of his meds, or taking an extreme dose, he has admitted to taking that tack before so it is entirely reasonable to expect he would do it in this instance. However, considering that he was specifically cast in the ad to show the disease he faces, and all that involves, I don’t think showing all the shaking is wrong. To not admit that you did tweak your meds for that effect is completely disingenuous, but to show the effects is reasonable.

The actual issue: There is no indication that embryonic stem cell research is anywhere near to yielding a cure, or even a treatment, for Parkinson’s disease – or any others. I have posted my feelings on it before here and here and here. I find the ad offensive on those grounds, not because his symptoms were full blown.

As to Limbaugh: I heard him yesterday when he said, “either he is off his medication or he is acting” Today he says, “I never said he was faking” Hmmm, that is cutting the syntactical bologna a little thin. Isn’t acting just faking?


4 Responses to “Limbaugh/Fox”

  1. WildFiction
    October 26th, 2006 @ 7:58 pm

    “and the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world”
    …an idea: Perhaps the host was going with the theory of Adam and Eve being Jews and all humans originated from them and so Adam and Eve are responsible for all the wars in world and since they are Jews…
    Just a wild guess…

  2. Special Agent Johnny Utah
    October 27th, 2006 @ 4:53 pm

    Limbaugh apparently apologized yesterday or earlier today. (I say “apparently” b/c I only saw the report on it, not the apology.)

  3. Anonymous
    October 29th, 2006 @ 8:35 am

    You’re an idiot. The “host” was making a sarcastic reference to the Mel Gibson diatribe against the LAPD officer who arrested him for DWI and speeding. The point was the simialrity of the unfounded, paranoid, inflammatory nature of the two comments. Limbaugh needs no comments, though. His ignorance of Parkinsons, and as with so many things, is all the condemnation necessary. Parkinsons causes immobility. The mediations that “free” the patient to move and speak cause adverse effects that over time lead to tardive dyskenesia, the spastic movements that were observed during the “ad”. It is very difficult to tirate the dosage so that movement is possible but not excessive, especially in a patient who has used these meds for fifteen years.

  4. Vox
    October 29th, 2006 @ 8:54 am

    Wow, right to “you’re an idiot” and from a cowardly anonymous commenter, too.
    Obviously, she was reaching for the Gibson connection. Obviously, it was a huge leap to try and make, and completely off target. COMPLETELY. Which is why I can find no logical reason for it. Just looking for a way to bring Gibson in to the Limbaugh/Fox controversy? To what end? Absolutely off base and stupid. Not timely, not appropriate, not constructive, not funny.
    Nice that “Limbaugh needs no comments” but then you go on for another 75 words or so. You clearly didn’t read my post or you would have seen that I was in no way defending Limbaugh, and called him on trying to backtrack out of his earlier statements. I did state that if Fox tweaked his meds for effect, a tactic he has admittedly employed in the past, and he said on one of the news shows in discussing the ad that the shaking he was experiencing was the result of too much medication, he should be honest about it. However, I also said I think it is a fair thing to do, as showing the full effect of the disease, and all it entails, is what the commercial was all about.
    Just for future reference, since you seem in need of a dictionary, an idiot is not someone with whom you disagree. Even if you are without substantive argument to support your stance.