
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Have At It

Posted on | June 30, 2004 | 4 Comments

Well boys and girls, some anonymous (*chicken*) commenter has responded to a previous comment re: one of Clinton’s fans not being able to name any of his specific policies with this:

“balanced budget policies
school reform policies
foreign policies – Bosnia, Iraq, and South Korea
He became a global proponent for an expanded NATO, more open international trade, and a worldwide campaign against drug trafficking.”

Their chosen tag is “Argue Me”. As easy as this is, I can’t get to this till tomorrow at the earliest, and I don’t want to keep them waiting, I thought I would open the floor to you lovely people now. My post is forthcoming…
Anyone who has a few free minutes to tackle it, this post is for you. Go get ’em
BTW: this is no way negates the humor in a woman, who said he was the best President this country ever had, not being able to come up with a specific policy she liked but just kept saying “his policies” LOL


4 Responses to “Have At It”

  1. Wickld
    June 30th, 2004 @ 8:51 pm

    Any Econ 101 class will teach you a balanced budget is a bad thing.
    Any education policy that needed such dramatic reform from Bush was worthless to begin with.
    His foreign policy: we’ll just lob bombs over yonder see if that works.
    NAFTA hurt our jobs; we lost 9 million in 2002 alone.

  2. "Edward"
    June 30th, 2004 @ 9:38 pm

    The commenter is right; sort of. I don’t argue that some good things didn’t happen while Clinton was in office. The argument is whether Clinton was the source of any of those good things.
    Balanced budget. Was that Clinton or was it the internet bubble or was it the GOP congress that forced Medicare reform and some spending cuts down Clinton’s throat in 1995 and 1996 and then held the line in 1997 and 1998?
    NAFTA – initiated under President Bush, passed by a GOP congress. Clinton was there for the end and he supported it, but that’s about all.
    Bosnia/Iraq/South Korea – What the hell is he referring to? Korea is an absolute disaster today because of the craven framework agreement that Carter negotiated as Clinton’s envy in 1994. If you’re looking for a quagmire today, look to Bosnia, not Iraq. Six years later and we’re no closer to leaving than before — all we did is implicate ourselves into a conflict between two bad groups. Iraq? Maybe – at least in the 1990s Clinton was firm in saying that Iraq and WMD and that we needed regime change. In that regard, I guess he laid the foundation for the Bush liberation.
    School reform policies? Name one. I dare him.

  3. argue me
    June 30th, 2004 @ 9:40 pm

    can you run your life outside of a balanced budget? please tell me yes, i’ll start right away.
    as for the revamping of the education policy, can you hear the states and counties screaming for the money promised by the cuurent administration, i hear them – load and clear. The No Child Left Behind program should be renamed to Who Give a ShxT About the Children.
    forieng policy, the only way the current administration could offset the huge number of jobs that were lost was to send our military away to Iraq – what was that for again – WMD thats right – Weapons Missing Darn
    Didn’t we start loosing jobs after the cuurent administration took office – didn’t allot of stuff (I’ll argue stuff later) happen after the inauguration of the new president – the one that the courts elected.

  4. Vox
    June 30th, 2004 @ 10:08 pm

    You start this debate ostensibly on Clinton’s policies, yet when confronted with facts all you can do is throw out tired rhetoric about Bush.
    Sorry, ‘Argue Me’, but “Edward” is the big time. You will have to do better than that to have an argument.
    We can argue the supposed Bush “stuff” later – see if you can finish this thought first.