
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Git ‘r Done

Posted on | February 22, 2011 | 2 Comments

The Democrat legislators fled Wisconsin in a bid to stop a long overdue vote on curbing the financial stranglehold the teachers union has on the state. As such, the GOP legislators are left without a quorum (they have 19 members, 1 shy of the requisite 20) and unable to vote on any fiscal bill that is in the pipeline.

My first thought concerns the current bill in question; it contains fiscal issues such as requiring the teachers to contribute to their own health & pension plans, but also non-fiscal bits, like eliminating collective bargaining for certain issues (not pay, BTW) Can the bill be split, allowing the non-quorum GOP representatives to vote on the collective bargaining bits? Not only would that be good for the state as it would surely pass, but it would then leave only the teachers contribution issue to be voted on – and with the Dems and unions saying “it isn’t about the money”, they would no longer have a reason not to vote.

One of the issues involves the state no longer collecting union dues, requiring the union to do their own policing. Genius move. Processing union dues takes ridiculous amounts of time, particularly because unions make if difficult to deal with them. Also, if members are required to write their own dues checks, they get a real indication of just what their ‘membership’ costs them, allowing them to weigh the benefits more realistically. I don’t know, however, whether that particular piece of the bill would be considered non-fiscal and as such, able to be voted up by the remaining legislators.

I would suggest they also introduce some new legislation that would lead to a freer, more job friendly state – how about going all out and making WI a right to work state?

What other (serious, feasible, realistic) non-fiscal bills should the non-quorum WI legislator pass?

BTW: I know this is rambling, I wanted to get it out quickly. I am not in a union and therefore I have work to do


2 Responses to “Git ‘r Done”

  1. Phineas
    February 22nd, 2011 @ 11:53 am

    Oh, gee, there’s all sorts of fun legislators who are actually in the building to do their job could have: elimination of anti-business and anti-competitive regulations that keep jobs out of state; requiring ID to be presented when voting; and bringing Wisconsin gun regulations (such as concealed-carry permitting) into line with recent SCOTUS decisions. They’ll have such a good time, the missing Democrats will come screaming back. heh. 🙂

  2. Tweets that mention Git ‘r Done -- Topsy.com
    February 22nd, 2011 @ 10:59 pm

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