
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense


Posted on | February 11, 2011 | No Comments

felicity** (fɪˈlɪsɪtɪ) — n , pl -ties : 3. An appropriate expression or style

Felicity is also the name of a teen angsty show from about 10 years ago. It was not a genre I would have been interested in as a teen, let alone a mere decade ago, but I did watch one episode. Having learned that the star, Keri Russell, was from Phoenix*, I decided to give it a shot – support the local folks and all.

I remember very little of the show, but I do remember Felicity was very stressed and anxious about an upcoming written exam. I am sure there were other relationship-y problems going on, but I only remember the impending test.

On the day of the exam, we see her make her way meekly to the classroom where she sits shakily at her desk. The teacher writes the dreaded essay topic on the board, The essence of communication is…? Felicity’s face brightens, she boldly opens her blue book where she makes a quick scrawl, gets up and turns in her work, skipping off happily from the classroom. We see the professor open the book to see her answer, revealed to us in those closing moments:


I never watched another episode, and I have no idea who related to whom, but that final scene often occurs to me – for instance, when I use a long-winded anecdote about a TV show to critique President Obama’s latest speech.

Once again, he droned on – and on – and on…. He managed to hit some of the right sentiments, though other world leaders managed to do it earlier, more effectively – and much, much more succinctly.

I don’t know where he found his speech writers, I don’t know if they get paid by the word – I do know they should all be forced to sit in a room and watch that episode of Felicity over and over.

* Turned out to be Mesa, but that’s close enough

** Also, in Portuguese, a lovely Bossa Nova


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