Christmas. Time.
Christmas is coming. It will be on December 25th this year, but you knew that already. You know it because Christmas is December 25th every year. And yet, every year millions of people seem to be caught off guard. They rush around in the week prior, complaining about the crowds of people who waited so […]
5+ Great Christmas Deals – For You
Several business are giving you a little extra incentive for your Holidays and Christmas shopping. Buy a gift card for a friend, get a bonus for yourself. I will keep looking for these deals and update through Christmas. This is the list I have so far (in no particular order) Culver’s: For each $25 card […]
Ghost Towns for Thanksgiving
I know that we still have so much for which to be thankful. I know America is still the greatest country this planet has ever hosted. But… How can anyone can drive down a major thoroughfare in this country . . . or walk through a mall . . . or pass a strip-center, and […]
(Almost) Every State A Red State
Amazon is tracking “red” and “blue” book sales leading in to the election. If that data means anything, it would seem to point toward a decisive GOP win in November. Yes, I know it isn’t every state – but then, we don’t need every state ✏
Upside Down Logic
Just saw this in a comment on YouTube: “[WalMart] contributed greatly to the entitlement mindset that we should all have homes filled with luxury items.” Really? WalMart did that? Makes me wonder what they think of as a “luxury item” ✏
keep looking »