“I Lied” *
I hadn’t paid much attention to the Schwarzenegger love child story, other than noting what a creep he is. I am no fan of Arnold or his wife, Maria Shriver. One of my first thoughts was that the mother must have been planning to come forward, forcing him to make the revelation. However, it was […]
Away From The Herd
Some of my favorite stories involve an individual who had long regarded themselves a person of the Left, who, when actually challenged (and willing) to think about their positions, realizes they are not – and perhaps never should have been. Such is the case with David Mamet, and the essays in his new book The […]
I was never a fan of any of the boy bands, that includes New Kids on the Block & Back Street Boys. I did become a fan of both Wahlberg brothers when they left music and made their mark as actors. So, though the vocals were pretty mediocre and I don’t understand why they are […]
I’m Not Paying Enough In Taxes
While working my way through Turbo Tax (something the current head of the Treasury apparently couldn’t do) I found this screen – perfect for anyone who feels Americans just aren’t contributing their fair share. OK, all you sanctimonious blowhards…go ahead. Put your money where your mouth is. Just leave my money alone – I DO […]
A Jury Of His Pears
Just saw this comment and had to laugh: CHARLIE SHEEN HAS INTER DEMONS! HE NEEDS TO BE LEFT ALONE TO WORK THEM OUT! NOT BY HIS PEARS & NOT BY THE MEDIA! I think I remember Buffy battling INTER DEMONS in one of the later episodes ✏
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