
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

brrrr – still

Posted on | November 29, 2004 | 3 Comments

BTW – still no heat. I did get an estimate today – $450.
Looks like I’m gonna be chilly for a little while longer….
UPDATE: Here is the scoop on the breakage. In July the A/C went out – the fan motor was kaput. When Steve replaced it he used a motor with a 1/2″ fitting, as I now understand it this was due to the fact that the exact replacement motor (with a 5/8″ fitting) is harder to come by. In order to get us up and running (it was July in Phoenix, remember) he went with the readily available 1/2″. The fan blade, however, is on a 5/8″ shaft. Rather than replace the blade, he connected it with a bushing. It held for a while, but broke loose last week and cut the freon line. 15 lbs of freon in that monster – at around $15 a lb. New freon line. New fan. Clean out. $450. Ouch.
He is a licensed contractor, therefore his work is covered by the Registry – if I call them I can probably get some of the fix covered. However, I really don’t want to do that. I am reasonably certain that if Steve was in the country, rather than serving it in Iraq, he would make good on his work. I really don’t want to put a mark on the record of his company just because he isn’t here – it’s not like he bailed on his customers, he was deployed.
Not sure what I am going to do yet…..


3 Responses to “brrrr – still”

  1. Stacy
    November 29th, 2004 @ 12:16 pm

    I’m so sorry!
    I empathize…our A/C went out in the middle of August, when it was a snuggy warm 101 degrees outside. Hoping you have heat soon!

  2. Lori
    November 29th, 2004 @ 10:42 pm

    Damn that sucks a big one Vox. And it figures we are actually having cold weather this year!

  3. onelamb
    November 30th, 2004 @ 11:16 pm

    Maybe you can explain just that to the registry, and they can help you, but withhold from the bad mark until he gets back and has a chance to make it good with them??