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BBC – Biased Blather Continuously

Posted on | August 31, 2003 | Comments Off on BBC – Biased Blather Continuously

He starts the article off with this comparison of the situation in Israel:

A day of two halves – the first in West Jerusalem canvassing Israeli views of the current state of the peace process, and the second in East Jerusalem with Palestinians on the receiving end when that process has broken down.

Emphasis mine.

Then goes on to complain about how hard it is to find Israeli Jews willing to talk to the BBC. Apparently, they are under the impression that the coverage so far has been biased. You don’t say.
Asser (could the name be any more appropriate?) says he just didn’t have time to debate why they refer to Palestinian “militants” and not “terrorists”, why they call Jewish settlement “illegal”.
In his world view, living as a Jew in Israel isn’t so bad. You see, their lives are basically stable – only having to worry about the occasional explosion ripping their friends and family to shreds. Their children only get killed every now and then.
But the Palestinians, their lives are constant “disruption and degradation”. uh huh, anything to do with the choices they make? Nope, it’s because they live under Israeli dominance.
And how’s this for unbiased:

In the last few days, about half a dozen Israeli bulldozers and diggers have come to cut a swathe through Abu Dis, part of the “security barrier” project that Israel has been implementing – against a chorus of international protest from friend and foe alike.

Scare quotes his.
Read the whole thing if you dare, but keep a bucket handy if you’ve recently eaten – you may lose your lunch.

BBC – Blatently Biased Commentary
BBC – Big Bad Coverage


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