
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

AC Soothed the Savage Beast?

Posted on | July 28, 2005 | 1 Comment

I have been watching my sister’s dogs while she is in Hawaii, and one of them has been a pain-in-the-neck (the spoiled little princess).
Anyway, between her dogs whining at night, my bird squawking in reply and a rash of crank phone calls, I have not been getting a lot of sleep the past week or so.
Last night SG showed up at my house (completely unexpected and I didn’t freak out – that is a huge step for me). I usually keep the AC set at around 82-84° – I like it warm and only go that low so the animals don’t melt. Since I wanted SG to be comfortable I turned the thermostat down, eventually to around 76°, and covered myself in a doubled over comforter.
The animals hardly made a peep all night. Really. The bird even slept in, not starting to rustle around until after my alarm had gone off. Could the temperature have made the difference? Maybe?
Whatever it was, it was wonderful


One Response to “AC Soothed the Savage Beast?”

  1. Lori
    July 29th, 2005 @ 3:59 pm

    Now that is interesting. It could have very well been the temp for them.