
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Things That WordPress is Doing to Piss Me Off

Posted on | November 2, 2009 | No Comments

I’m still finding my way around, and perhaps there is some setting somewhere that I haven’t found (but I’ve looked, I swear I’ve looked)

The main thing is the way my feed is now being displayed on Facebook. When I had Facebook importing the RSS feed from my MT blog, it would display the entire post, even properly interpreting the HTML. (not embedded objects, but everything else) The WordPress feed seem to display just a snippet – and without any formatting at all. I have the settings option “For each article in a feed, show:” set to “Full text” – why then is it displaying a snippet? I don’t think this is a Facebook issue because, like I said, it worked fine with the MT xml.
    Think I got that one fixed

WordPress does an autosave every x minutes (not sure what the interval is) and it is distracting. It is also creating extra records in the database that are wholly unnecessary. I don’t like wasting that space, and I don’t like working with a cluttered database. It is bad enough that I get extra rows if I update a post, why do I need extra rows for a work in progress? Can’t find anywhere to turn it off, though, so if you know, I would appreciate it.

I am also bored by the themes available (I’ll keep digging) but I’m completely uninspired to create one for myself. Yeah, that sounds like a personal problem….


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