
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Hurts So Good

Posted on | April 26, 2005 | 3 Comments

I recently purchased a new piece of exercise equipment, something that required installation of a bracket before I could use it. (long time readers, especially “Edward“, will know what it is from an old Friday Five post)
SG had agreed to do the install for me – but I am the impatient type…it had been a whole day, after all. So I did it myself! Borrowed a stud finder and a drill and hooked that bad boy up.
Now my shoulder has been acting up again, and I started back to physical therapy. I shouldn’t have been doing anything, and just doing the install hurt. I was probably safer with the apparatus still in the box. Yeah, even though I knew better I had to try it out. I felt it in every muscle I expected to, and many more I hadn’t anticipated would be involved. I am going to be sooo sore in the morning, and so lucky if I can use my arm at all.
But what a great workout – and so much fun!


3 Responses to “Hurts So Good”

  1. yayaempress
    April 27th, 2005 @ 7:46 am

    Cool! I’d love to be able to have some excersize equipment in my home.

  2. Vox
    April 27th, 2005 @ 10:44 am

    I am getting quite the bargain basement set-up. I have an elliptical machine I got on half-price day at Goodwill ($12), a stair-climber from my neighbor ($20), my new toy, and my nephew’s old weight bench (which I could have if only I knew someone strong who had a truck and could transport it the 4 blocks from my sister’s house)

  3. monkey
    May 3rd, 2005 @ 11:30 pm

    tell me you didn’t get “it”
    and you know what i’m talking about