
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Duped Dad Takes on OK Law

OK Man Ordered To Pay Child Support Despite Not Being Father Thomas said he had no reason to question it before he did, but, because he missed the deadline, the judge ordered him to pay around $500 a month in child support, plus, nearly $15,000 in back support plus interest – all for a child […]

Lacking in Judgement

I will preface this by saying I know very little about Paul Babeu. I know he is a Republican. I know he is tough on border security. I know he has been doing good work trying to shine a light on Operation Fast & Furious. And I know Paul Babeu has poor judgment. Why? Because […]

The Case Against Marriage

Well, not so much against marriage in general – but strongly against government’s involvement in it. Proponents of same-sex marriage claim that all they want is the same endorsement from the state that opposite sex couples get. Perhaps they should consider how negative that impact can be. Taken into Custody: The War Against Fatherhood, Marriage, […]

“I Lied” *

I hadn’t paid much attention to the Schwarzenegger love child story, other than noting what a creep he is. I am no fan of Arnold or his wife, Maria Shriver. One of my first thoughts was that the mother must have been planning to come forward, forcing him to make the revelation. However, it was […]

Why Valentine’s Day?

Tonight I came home from work to find a delicious adult beverage waiting for me. While I was relaxing and catching up on last night’s Red Eye, D was getting dinner ready. Grilled chicken with an herb marinade & cheese topping, baked potatoes and fresh asparagus on the grill. Of note, D doesn’t even like […]

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