
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

David Schweikert Frustrations

In my congressional district, AZ’s CD 6, we have the joy of two sitting representatives running against each other. David Schweikert, the elder statesman, has been running (or having run on his behalf) embarrassing, low, whiny attacks. In running such a despicable campaign, Schweikert makes it very difficult to even consider casting my vote his […]

That’s The Ticket

Romney/Ryan 2012 Perhaps the best looking* team in presidential history… *Yes, I know he is more than a pretty face, but when I see these two together I can’t help but hear Mike Meyers saying “I’m a very handsome man” Yes, the title of this post is also from SNL. Appropriately, Jon Lovitz ✏


I don’t personally understand the fascination with marijuana. The only thing that seems more ridiculous than smoking it is claiming you are doing so for any health benefits. Though there have been studies with varying degrees of legitmate scholarship claiming varying degrees of medicinal effect from THC, if the “sick” wanted only the health benefits, […]

Happy Boy

Just trying out the Microsoft Cliplet app. Having trouble getting the final .gif to upload cleanly anywhere – thought I’d try it here. ✏

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