
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Memorial Day, 2010

USS Arizona Memorial

More pictures of the ship & crew in this video, but the music they chose is all wrong for the subject. ✏

Visit Phoenix

And to wrap up our month of Arizona videos, a travelogue of sorts on the Valley of the Sun (Do yourself a favor and turn down the sound as soon as the robot voice finishes his informative intro) Fun facts included with the video which seem plausible enough for me to reproduce here even though […]

All Fall Down

I previously mentioned a possible attempt at the Couch to 5k Challenge. I was right that Week One was super easy, owing perhaps to the fact that it conformed pretty closely to what our walks had been up to that point anyway – walk a little, jog a little, walk a little, jog a little […]

Lake Havasu

In recognition of the 3-day weekend, and all the outdoor recreation sure to be enjoyed, today I have a small feature on Lake Havasu. I’m not sure where she came up with the “average temperatures over 119˚”, I can’t find anything that would support that. Though it does get up there for a few days, […]

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