
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense


I have just been IM-ing with an old friend. Nice conversation, a little healthy debate – he and I are very different in our opinions. But then he sent me this link, and said “expresses my opinion totally” Then the conversation went mostly like this: me:really – you think that? friend: absolutely friend: they’ve had […]

Puppy Upper

Well, my puppy (who is actually 12 years old, hardly a puppy I guess) seems to be doing a bit better. She has to stay in the hospital at least one more night (thus doubling my credit card debt) but they said she has perked up quite a bit. If fact, she has perked up […]

Prayers Please

I woke up this morning to find my usually perky dog – my dear, sweet, goofy, wonderful little friend – very listless. She would pick up her head, and drank some water when I brought it to her, but that was it. By the time I got her to the emergency clinic she was not […]


Much was made of Pat Tillman’s decision to give up his multi-million dollar NFL contract to join the Army as a Ranger, so profoundly moved was he by the events of 9-11. Paul Beston called him The NFL ✏


Jeff Jarvis has a very moving and thought provoking post up today about Memorials and monuments. He is right, and sometimes it is “the artifacts of lives” that make the deepest impression. ✏

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