Wondering how the candidates’ Medicare positions are being interpreted by the masses? Here you go, results from a quick online quiz I came across today. I included the demographic info because it shows the bulk of responses are from older readers, those most likely to be concerned about Medicare in the near-term. ✏
Are Mormons Weird?
There must be some who think so, since that is one of Google’s suggested Mormon searches – and it returns over a million results. The answer is no. Mormons are just people. The better question might be “Is Mormonism weird?” The answer is a qualified yes, in that where the beliefs of any group differ […]
(Almost) Every State A Red State
Amazon is tracking “red” and “blue” book sales leading in to the election. If that data means anything, it would seem to point toward a decisive GOP win in November. Yes, I know it isn’t every state – but then, we don’t need every state ✏
That’s The Ticket
Romney/Ryan 2012 Perhaps the best looking* team in presidential history… *Yes, I know he is more than a pretty face, but when I see these two together I can’t help but hear Mike Meyers saying “I’m a very handsome man” Yes, the title of this post is also from SNL. Appropriately, Jon Lovitz ✏