
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Conflict of Interest?

In the crowded, and ridiculous, CD 3 race here in Arizona… Ben Quayle sent out a campaign mailer featuring adorable little girls. Vernon Parker, or his mouthpiece, went media crazy accusing Quayle of “renting children” to appear to be a family man. It was a ridiculous attack, especially since the girls are his nieces, but […]

“That’s What We Were Sent Here For”

There is a smattering of stand-up, tell it like it is folks popping up in political office around the country. One of the best, and most telegenic, examples is Chris Christie in New Jersey. Here he is schooling a reporter on what he was elected to do, and why people all over the United States […]

A Little Cyanide In Your Tea

Crash the Tea Party states: “Do I think most of them are homophobes, racists or morons? Absolutely.” But they also: plan to infiltrate and dismantle the political group by trying to make its members appear to be racist, homophobic and moronic. If Tea Partiers really are so horrible, why would you need to resort to […]

Just Because You Can…

…doesn’t mean you should I added my email address to my contact page less than a week ago. Someone has already gone in and harvested it for a mailing list. Though the mailings seem to have a Conservative bent, I never consented to be added. I have gotten 3 emails in the last 90 minutes […]

On Letterman’s Lack of Humor

This is going to be stream of consciousness, because if I wait to know precisely what I want to say, I’ll never get this post up. David Letterman is a jerk. He has been for a very long time. I remember when he began Late Night, it took me a while to get used to […]

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