
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

A Wise State Would Not Require Its Citizens To Act Like Children

Doc Zero makes the case for against a Public Option in your television viewing, a Universal Entertainment Care program if you will. The Parable of the Satellite Dish Apparently that blog is gone 🙁 glad I grabbed some major points. I’ll cut right to the moral of the story:   Never accept permanent solutions that […]

In Defense of Sarah Palin

Norman Podhoretz outs himself as an unabashed supporter of Sarah Palin, and it is refreshing to see. I think this sentence alone explains a great deal about her appeal to ‘ordinary’ Americans. She understands that the U.S. has been a force for good in the world—which is more than can be said of our president. […]

Mr. Tax-Law-Writing-Tax-Evader

What happens when Scott Ott (Scrappleface) and AlfonZo Rachel team up? Behold the funny 🙂 ✏

It Can’t Happen Here?

A post at Big Government, reminding us of Sinclair Lewis’s prescient book, It Can’t Happen Here, gives us the comment of the day: What are you talking about Zak? The electorate in this country would have to consist of fools for something like this to happen. It would take a generation of people dumbed down […]

Random Fortune

Every day there is sad news, but each day itself is glad news.   ✏

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