
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Be There…

..or be somewhere else and hear about it later. It’s time for a “Ring in the New Year Blogapalooza” and I know just the crowd to pull it off. Arizona’s coolest conservative bloggers will be sampling the fine food & beverages at Casey Moore’s on Saturday January 9th. We’ll be showing up around 1 p.m. […]

The Wild Bunch

I seem to have hit prime dog-walking time for this evening’s outing. The park was crawling with canines, most of them relatively well behaved. Even ours ๐Ÿ™‚ There was also some soccer practice going on, which was beyond exciting for the boys, as their latest toy has been a soccer ball. I’m sure they couldn’t […]

Small Victories

Someone drove a van down the alley today and spent almost 10 minutes out there chatting and unloading things into the dumpster – and the puppies didn’t make a peep. In fact they barely glanced that way. I’ll consider that a win. One of my goals with these pups is that they don’t grow up […]

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