
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Gross Out Advertising

I’ve been seeing a new Carl’s Jr ad lately, I think the product was a chili cheese burger. The script has a girl telling her companion he has a little something on his face. When he asks, “Here?”, she replies. “More in this area”. Then they show him as he asks, “Did I get it?” […]

Free Tech Support

Yep, FREE – until March 15th anyway. Check out MinuteFix. (After March 15th, it will be $.99 per minute with the first 5 minutes free) ✏

Odd Sight

As I was driving to work today, I passed a small demonstration. A group of 20 people or so; waving flags, wearing burkas and other Muslim garb, carrying signs. Unfortunately, they must have been tired of carrying the signs, because most of them were just hanging down – the only one that was upright and […]

R.I.P. William F Buckley Jr

Conservative author and editor William F. Buckley Jr. died today, his assistant told the Associated Press Wednesday. He was 82. National Review New York Times He was truly one of a kind, and will be missed. Hopefully, his spirit and ideas will live on. ✏

Protecting the Pretty

February 26, 1919 – Grand Canyon Joins National Park Service First designated a forest preserve in 1893, the Grand Canyon joins the National Park Service when President Woodrow Wilson signs a bill designating it the 17th national park. The Grand Canyon’s annual visitation rate will be 44,173 in 1919. By 2008, that number will have […]

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