
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Father’s Day

A beautiful vison of Mother’s Day, from the wonderful Sand in the Gears ✏

3-Minute Charlie’s Angels

I was a huge fan of Charlie’s Angels (the campy TV show, not so much the movie) back in the day. In fact, we used to play Charlie’s Angels at school (I was always Sabrina) and I have the full set of Charlie’s Angels collectors cards. Yeah, I’m a dork. Anyway, when I saw this […]

CD Exchange – 2

Well, so far there are only two (three?) takers on the CD Exchange. I will play no matter how many sign on, but I want to see if it is possible to get more interest. Anyone? ✏

Short Shrift

Yahoo! covers the top three Idol finalists returning to their hometown…sort of. Jordin gets one sentence at the end. ✏


I promise that when I wrote this, I had not yet seen this. Exactly the type of feedback I was looking for. ✏

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