
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

An Open Letter

Dear Mother Nature, I miss Summer. Please bring it back. Thank you, Vox ✏

Stolen Meme

from Shephard’s Alley Not sure what the theme is here, I just went with it. ✏

Looking Up

I posted about this new Will Smith movie before. He was on Oprah discussing the movie, and they had Chris Garnder and his son, as well. Oprah asked the son if he remembered being homeless and he said no. He said he remembered moving around a lot, and then he said the killer quote I […]

Love, Always

Pam & Kid file for divorce What is wrong with people? I mean, I didn’t really see these two living happily ever after, but if they didn’t even have enough going for them to last 4 months, why did they get married in the first place? ✏

R.I.P. – Anita O’Day

One of my goals in life was to see Anita O’Day sing live one day. Now it is too late. I’ll be putting her stuff on the Radio.Blog later. There are some video clips of her performing at her official site. ~ Listen ~ ✏

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