
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Gape Into The Void

I am adding the Gaping Void widget to my sidebar because he cracks me up. Hopefully the “adult content” filter works….we’ll see ✏

What Does Vox Look Like?

I have been lurking at the ME blog lately, just enjoying all their creative scrapbook pages. They post ‘challenges’ such as Scrap A Confession or You (NOW and THEN) which require a self portrait. This has lead me to face the fact that I have next to no pictures of myself from the last 10 […]

TUNES – 49

It does make me crazy. I went ahead and picked up this Gnarls Barkley CD, based on hearing two songs – Crazy and Smiley Faces. I should have taken my own advice and previewed the CD first through RadioBlogClub – because the other songs on the disc sounded like they were from several completely different […]

Sports Analogy

Mark Steyn manages to bring baseball and tennis into his essay on the Israel/Hezbollah conflict: But, when an army goes to war against a terrorist organization, it’s like watching the Red Sox play Andre Agassi: Each side is being held to its own set of rules. When Hezbollah launches rockets into Israeli residential neighborhoods with […]

She’s Back….

…let’s hope she sticks around this time. Keep on blogging, Sis! ✏

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