
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

80% Average

Found this at Not Exactly Rocket Science ~ American Snapshot According to the book, a majority of Americans: โœ

Popsicle Fingers

I want, I want – I need! โœ


I just got done watching Bewitched , which I wanted to see since my friend worked on it and Lori & I visited the set. Man did it suck! I don’t think the casting was bad, though Steve Carrell was quite disappointing as Uncle Arthur (and I like Steve Carrell). Nicole Kidman is physically a […]

FOOTBALL – week 8

Vox picks are underlined SG‘s are italic Favorites have an *, two-digit favorites have two ** โœ

Decisions, Decisions

Trying to decide whether to change to the Weather Pixie: Or stick with the Weather Sticker: I like the simplicity of the Weather Sticker, but the Pixie is darn cute and she knows what moon phase we are in (though she seems to have issues with the time). On click through, Weather Sticker takes you […]

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