
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense


As I am going through ripping my CD collection to MP3’s, I realize that I have a lot of music I really love on cassette tapes. I would love to convert those, as well. Anyone know a good process/set-up for doing that? Hey, at least they aren’t 8 tracks – I’m not that old ๐Ÿ˜‰ […]

Like a Fungus

Spending far too much time deleting comment spam Banning IPs doesn’t work and in fact ended up locking SG (and who knows who else) out of my comments – I have been putting off transitioning to WordPress but it looks like that is my best option. Grrr! Related question: I have my sister set up […]

Still Looking

…for suggestions. Anyone have ideas for a fun New Years Eve celebration in Phoenix? I have a smokin’ dress that would lend itself well to a nice dinner, slow dancing and cocktails – but I am not married to that idea if someone has a better idea. Country dancing? Symphony? Hiking? Gambling? A movie night […]

Sad Again

But feeling frisky. So, in honor of my twisted sense of humor, here is a new song for you, SG. UPDATE: here are the lyrics, in case the humor is lost. โœ

R.I.P – Jerry Orbach

One of my faves, from Broadway to Law & Order, passed away yesterday. Jerry Orbach, who played Lenny Briscoe (one of my two favorite L&O characters) for 12 years, recently left the original franchise to work on a new spin off. I have missed him on the origianl show, but have been looking forward to […]

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