
Musings, rants, rambling, general nonsense

Good Riddance

From ArcaMax News: WTC SCAMMER GETS MAX SENTENCE A New York City man will spend the next 11 to 33 years in prison for fabricating a son he claimed died in the attacks on the World Trade Center. Prosecutors said 54-year-old Cyril Kendall, the father of 12, made up a 13th son, Wilfred, to con […]


Ahoy mates: Talk Like A Pirate Day is here! ‘ Cap’n Slappy an’ Ol’ Chumbucket be busier than a leaky frigrate full o’ pirates bailin’ fer their lives, what with the interviews an’ all. The WebWench, meanwhile, be scramblin’ t’keep up with a veritable tsunami o’ fan mail, photos, TLAPD activities an’ th’ like. Keep […]

Fun Times

This is what happened at work today, how was your day? A cargo jet made an emergency landing at Sky Harbor International Airport on Tuesday night after a bomb threat was phoned in to the United Parcel Service. Just standing at the gate after sending out our last flight when I saw the unmistakable flashing […]

A Simple Ploy?

So, have Ben and J-Lo really broken up? Or is it a ploy to throw the press off so they can get married in peace? To paraphrase someone (if you know who, let me know), “I was hoping they’d get married. I was looking forward to not hearing about them for the three weeks until […]

Cashing In

From The Smoking Gun: We don’t mean to disparage Food Lion cashiers, but a North Carolina employee with scant monetary knowledge actually just accepted a $200 bill bearing George W. Bush’s portrait and a drawing of the White House complete with lawn signs reading, “We like ice cream” and “USA deserves a tax cut.” The […]

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