June 06, 2007

Kickin' Tail

Congratulations to the ladies from U of A, back to back national championships! This was their 8th National title in 12 appearances, and their third back-to-back championship win.

Though the winning run in game two was controversial, they put any questions to rest with their convincing 5-0 run tonight. U of A's Taryn Mowatt pitched 17 shut-out innings (10 last night, 7 tonight). Way to go, girls!

At the risk of offending feminists everywhere, I also have to add that this series featured some of the hottest female collegiate athletes I have ever seen. Not just U of A, though I think they were the best looking overall, Tennessee had some real cuties, as well.

Posted by Vox at June 6, 2007 09:39 PM | Sports