March 12, 2008

Did We Say That? Oops

From Volokh who found it via Instapundit:

What Ferraro said is, at least partially, true. There are people supporting Obama because he is black - just as Clinton has gotten votes just because she is a woman.

And, I imagine, McCain has a lot of support based on his status as a war hero..Romney got the Mormon vote....

It happens, people!

However, the excuse Obama's campaign used for Michelle's "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country" comment was "She meant because an African-American has a chance of winning the Presidency". Live by the sword....

Posted by Vox at March 12, 2008 03:39 PM | humor , politics

Which is why Michelle Obama got my first Race Card!

Posted by: Macker at March 13, 2008 10:46 PM

Yes, it is a shame how few opportunities she has had in her life, what with being a black female and all.

Certainly, she could never hope to aspire to achieve anything in life, since there has never been a POTUS she could look up to, what with them never being black...or female.....

Posted by: Vox at March 13, 2008 10:54 PM