February 06, 2006

Gift Giving

Toughed out another episode of SNL (with Steve Martin hosting I had to give it a try) and it wasn't as bad....

There was a gem, though - the "Teddy Bear with a Heart" commercial. I've been hoping someone would post the video, but haven't seen it yet.

The message: Nothing says I love you (and I put a lot of thought into this) like a crappy little teddy bear with a heart, available absolutely anywhere - literally.

Yes, guys, it's that time again. Time to actually put a little bit of brain power into your gift.

It's not about how much it costs you (the giver), it's about how well it suits her (the recipient). If she hates golf, don't give her clubs. If she is trying to get healthy, don't buy her candy. No kitchen appliances unless her passion is cooking. You get the idea.

And please, no "Teddy Bear with a Heart" except in jest or in high school. Not for Valentine's Day.

UPDATE: Thanks to Lori, here it is.

Posted by Vox at February 6, 2006 11:57 PM | TrackBack | general

Here ya go...


Posted by: Lori at February 14, 2006 10:55 AM