February 06, 2006

In The Media

Paternity fraud covered in Law & Order, in an episode titled "Deadbeat".

A man is found shot, and it turns out he has an outstanding warrant for unpaid child support. Much of the show is dedicated to demonstrating what a bad guy he was and how pathetic it was that the mother had to scrape by because he wasn't paying. The son is sick and his only hope is a bone marrow transplant, and we are lead to believe that he was unwilling to donate.

As the story unravels, we find that he was indeed willing to get tested. Oh, but maybe the mother approved of his being killed because she did know he wasn't a match, perhaps from old medical records.....?

Nope, she knew he wasn't the real father and he would have found out, too, had he gotten tested. The gist being that, if he proves he is not the biological father she has no claim to that back child support money. That is certainly how it should be.

Unfortunately, we know better.

Posted by Vox at February 6, 2006 05:16 PM | TrackBack | Paternity Fraud , politics