April 15, 2005

Women's Desire

Netscape Mens has published 25 Things Women Wish Men Would Figure Out ~ most of them are pretty good.

I disagree with a few, though (of course)

For instance:

1. Saying "I love you" before, during or after sex doesn't count.
I think it counts, just doesn't feel as great as when you say it when we just woke up and have raptor breath.

14. If we don't feel loved, we'll start looking elsewhere.
I hope that isn't entirely true. I hope that, if we don't feel loved, we try to work it out - looking elsewhere solves nothing.

20. We've faked it
I so don't get this. Why would anyone fake it? If what he is doing isn't workin' for ya' - why would you want him to think it is? All that means is that the next time he is gonna do the same thing - 'cause it worked before. Then what are you going to do? Tell him it doesn't work for you, or fake it again? Bah! Just don't go down that road to start with!

23. If we're not having sex it's because: we feel fat; we don't feel very close to you, or we are punishing you for not doing something our way.
I also don't agree with withholding affection as punishment. I can see that if you were angry about something you might not feel close to your partner, but I can't see using sex as a weapon. Why spoil a good thing that way?

I most definitely agree with 4, 5 & 11-13

Posted by Vox at April 15, 2005 12:52 AM | Men

2 & 6

Maybe I need to write my own and distribute on first dates?!

Posted by: wickld at April 15, 2005 10:55 PM

1. It always counts.
2. Depends on how you say it. "You look fiiiine!" works.
3. I know. That's why I wait 3 days.
4. Really?
10. Can do. Takes a strong woman to follow, though.
16. I don't believe that.
20. Me too.
23. That's why you have to fake it.

Posted by: Michael at April 18, 2005 06:33 AM