October 23, 2004

Back Ups

What is it with people (OK, I am mostly talking about men here) who can't appreciate and go with a good thing when they have it? Why do they feel the need to keep other women waiting in the wings? Just in case? Keep them stringing along so that if your current relationship doesn't work out you won't have to deal with being alone for a week or two?

I've got news for you, all of you - your current relationship won't work if you aren't putting your whole self into it, and if you are keeping in touch with other women (for whatever reason) you aren't putting your whole self into it. Maybe you keep them on the line to prove you still have it, that women still want you. Maybe you keep them on the line so you will always have a soft place to fall. Maybe your current 'girlfriend' is the one you are stringing along till you get that other relationship worked out/back on track. Doesn't matter. You are going to lose a good thing 'cause you can't face flying without a net.

So, since I know you read this blog, I will tell you - I know your girlfriend. Keeping other chickens in the hen house leaves her frightened and off-balance. I don't know how much longer she is willing to put up with it. If you know what's good for you - and she is good for you - you'll decide to put your faith in that. You'll concentrate on making the most of a great connection, not making sure you've got some other ones to fall back on. That's the only way to make something pretty special into something wonderful and complete.

I'm just saying....

Posted by Vox at October 23, 2004 02:28 PM | Men