October 19, 2004

Just a Reminder

The election is 2 weeks away - 2 weeks, that's all. You are going to be making a very important decision about who will lead, and represent, this country for the next four years. I don't think you can have too much information about that - therefore I want you to go and take a look at this comparison that Gary put together. It is very thorough, and shows clearly who the best choice is. He even gives us a comparison of the presumed First Ladies.

For your future and mine, for the future of the free people of the world and those that hope to be, who would you vote for?


Posted by Vox at October 19, 2004 12:08 AM | humor , politics

Well, I think we're all in consensus on this one!

Posted by: yayaempress at October 19, 2004 06:10 AM